my name is ehsan ziafati kafi. I was born in 1991 in the traditional and historical city of Qom. The city is well-known as a hometown for the Middle-East mindset. my father and mother both are teachers of Middle-East philosophy. so as I grew up more and more, I discovered my own way of philosophy and pov of life! by looking through the images. imagining them and at last, learning to create them! For me, creating images is a way to think. way more clearer.
My Story
at first, the representation of living life was a great joy! but as continued I realized that that's not all I want. I always wanted realism, but not a technical aspect of it. more like what Curbet was talked about. how we really see the world and universe and humankind, but here! in the Middle East! there are a lot of reviews of Middle Eastern POV and portraits of it, but if you want to really touch the spirit of the Middle East, you have to live in it! or see through the eyes of the one who lived! so that's where I started to paint about insects! In the Middle East, these insects were our Superman and Batman! our heroes! In Egypt, rolling dung beetles were the ones who brought the sun to the sky! so this is where I started my projects, studying all things about them, from biological life to worst enemies or just studying their anatomy and shapes. As I started studying their lives I found some errors. the antisocial activities in social creatures like ants and bees, the activities that damage the nest. the whole. the society. and that was ironic for me because, in that specific moment of selfish destroyer choices, I find them most similar to humankind!
as my paintings started their journey there, I was struggling with new media. like video art, interactive art, and digital art. I don't know exactly when it happened, but at some point, I realized that my new painting could be a comic book or a video game! so I just started to learn how to work digitally. As I continue creating traditional paintings as well, in this area, I am seeking a much bigger scene. I don't know, maybe a world! someday.
Rumi, the 13th-century Persian poet and teacher of Sufism, included it in his Masnavi. In his retelling, of "The Elephant in the Dark", some Hindus bring an elephant to be exhibited in a dark room. A number of men touch and feel the elephant in the dark and, depending upon where they touch it, they believe the elephant to be like a water spout (trunk), a fan (ear), a pillar (leg), and a throne (back).
The sensual eye is just like the palm of the hand. The palm has not the means of covering the whole of the beast.
you can see a variety of visual art on my site but they are coherent in one point. each one of them is a try to reflect one side of the Middle East. maybe, different details of the elephant!
I'm always excited about new opportunities and events.
don't hesitate to contact